Rew Down Nature Reserve

Last updated:
September 10, 2024

Gift to Nature's Rew Down nature reserve, perched up at the top of Ventnor. See the fantastic views across the countryside and coast, as well as a little history from World War 2.

The Rew Down reserve is on the western side of Ventnor, on a south-facing slope above the Whitwell Rd. It can be reached from Steephill Down Road, Whitwell Rd or the Stenbury Trail. PARK IN STEEPHILL DOWN ROAD, and admire the views of the sea as you walk up to the reserve.

Several public footpaths cross the area. There are always wonderful views from the site, down to the coast, as far as the downs above Niton to the West and over to St Boniface Down in the East.

If you are walking over the site with your dog, keep it under control so it won't worry the grazing animals.

Why Rew Down is so special
In spring, bluebells form a carpet under the Ash trees, and cowslips cover the lower part of the slopes. Birdsong is heard from the scrub, where yellowhammers and whitethroats nest. Pyramidal orchids make a fine show in late June and early July. Stemless thistles, with their deep purple flower heads and sharp shiny leaf rosettes flat against the ground are a feature of the later part of the summer.

More recently, populations of the Adonis blue butterfly have been seen at Rew Down. The Adonis is the most striking of the blue butterflies. It was once on the endangered species list but it is now making a good recovery thanks to favourable management of the species rich chalk downland habitat it needs to survive.

Top 5 things to spot
Early gentian
Adonis Blue butterfly
Pyramidal orchids

Highland Cattle on Rew Down
The site has a history of grazing and Highland cattle have been on the site since January 2003, helping to keep down the faster growing grasses that would overwhelm the more delicate chalk plants.

Ventnor "Y" Station
The area contains the remains of the tower base of, Historic England Grade II listed, Royal Navy World War II direction finding (D/F) station (one of the'Y-stations'), Ventnor, which is believed to be the most complete of its type still extant.

Gift to Nature
Gift to Nature is a charity organisation that manages conservation sites across the Isle of Wight. Their mission is to link people with nature. Visit their website and Facebook page to find out more - see links below.

Mention that you found us on Ventnor Local

At the bottom of Steephill Down Road
Isle of Wight
PO38 1BP

01983 296244

Opening Times



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