Lin has clocked up many miles walking all over the Island and blogs about them on her website.
Ventnor Park to Ventnor West Station - 3.75 miles / 1.5 hours
Starting in Ventnor town centre you will head west through Ventnor's award winning Park, on to Undercliff Drive in St Lawrence and back via Ventnor West station - now a residential property. This walk can be done anytime of year but is particularly nice in summertime, when the immaculate flower borders in Ventnor Park are a mass of colour.
As you near the end of the walk, you can detour off up Old Station Road, where the main railway terminus was for Ventnor. Although there's not much evidence of it now.
REFRESHMENTS: You can find something to eat and drink in Ventnor town and also in the park during summer. There are public toilets in the town and in the park.
The link below will take you to the walk in detail on Lin's website.