Ingrams Yard Studios

Last updated:
September 29, 2024

Ingrams Yard is Ventnor Exchange's vision is to create a place that hosts events, makers studios, rehearsal rooms and youth space alongside a home for a new year round market in the town. All on a not-for-profit basis, led by the Ventnor Exchange team, ploughing all of our learning and experiences from the last decade to create the facilities we think the town needs to thrive.

Ingrams Yard will be a place where artists, craftspeople and creative start ups can test and refine their ideas. A place where you can learn new skills, with the type of messy workshop spaces we don’t currently have, along with a large rehearsal studio perfectly suited to activities like drama, dance and yoga.

It will be a place that hosts a wide programme of events, along with an outdoor market that provides a busting new public space throughout the year, and it will provide major new infrastructure for Ventnor Fringe, giving the town centre a key new venue to draw in audiences.

A few artists have started to move in and create their own studio spaces.

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Ingrams Yard Studios
14-20 Albert Street
Isle of Wight
PO38 1EZ

Opening Times



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